Monday, June 10, 2013


INTERPRETING is a process of transferring a message immediately from source language into target language, orally without changing the meaning.

Why interpreting is needed?
Because of Geographical boundaries produces of diversity of language or multilingual conditions and also produces the citizens' awareness about interpreting itself.

1. Geographical Boundaries, this condition leads people to have a little understanding of the language of others who lived even a little distance away. This condition may lead to the social antagonism and event conflict. This condition can be resolved by a having a lingua-franca or by using an interpreter.
2. The Diversity of Language, every country around the world or even in one country has more then on language used by the citizen this condition made the people need a method to communicate between speakers from different languages and from this case interpreting appears.
3. Multilingual Condition, this multilingual condition not always require an interpreting, in this situation, communication problem maybe overcome by use a Lingua Franca. and lingua Franca generally not uses a mother tongue.
4. Citizens' Awareness, in this condition certain social group gain multilingual skill, their try to understand more then one language.

Conference Interpreting (Simultaneous)
is formal situation of interpreting, using one direction of communication, and in this condition the interpreter need to have a same understanding about the field of the conference with the client.
History: Conference interpreting appears  because of the existence of international meeting, international deliberation. A significant advance for conference interpreter come immediately after  World War II.

Liaison Interpreting (Consecutive)
is the genre of the interpreting in less formal situation of interpreting, where the interpreting performed into two language direction by the same person. It is widely used where two or more interlocutors do not share a language and where the interpreter must be present in order to bridge the communication gap.
History: this kind of interpreting firstly appears in the post of World War II. In this decades two main area of development led to its growth. First, the international business contact, secondly, the communication of immigrant and indigenous population  who did not speak the dominant language of that society.

Bilingual Aides
The terms of aides hers means that the interpreters act as the bridge for the language gap. Interpreters as the bilingual aides have a capacity in two or more language and use another language to directly conduct to their primary role. The specific kind of bilingual aides is bilingual guides, its commonly met in tourism, business travel, cultural and recreational pursuits.

The differences between Conference and Liaison Interpreting 1. The physical proximity between the client and the interpreter
2. The information gap between the client
3. Status differential between the client
4. The necessity to interpret in both language direction
5. Working as an individual or as a team
6. The level of formality
7. The flow of communication
8. The mode of interpreting

Cultural Factors:
1. Cultural inheritance: the different culture based on the anthropological sense.
2. Life experience: the interpreter should deal with all different life experience by the client.
3. relative status: the different of social status of the two interlocutors and the attitudes the client toward the interpreter.
*attitude: someone's response to the environment.

is a mode of interpreting where the interpreters work on sound-proof-booth, deliver the message through earphone in a court room. (the interpreter renders the message in the target-language as quickly as he or she can formulate it from the source language, while the source-language speaker continuously speaks.)

is a mode of interpreting where the interpreter speaks/interprets after the speaker has finished speaking.

1. Physical Environment: the positioning of the interpreter between the client is directed to clarifying for all parties who is responsible for communication.
2. Immediacy: the respond of the interpreter In interpreting the massage. Some speakers are talking until finish and let the interpreter to interpret the speech but some of them give a pause while their talking and give a chance to the interpreter.
3. Interruption: if the interpreter not too understand so ask repetition.
4. Length of Segment: the length of time when speaker talks a statement.
5. Size of audience: Smaller number of audiences compered to conference of interpreting make the intimacy of interlocutors and the interpreter increase.

1. Note-taking: Legitimating activity in any type of consecutive interpreting and does not reflect negatively on the interpreters ability. It show the willing of the interpreters to give the best service for the client.
2. Memory

1. The expectation the role of interpreter within environment which are at times inimical to the very existence of interpreting are the first and perhaps main source of stress.
2. Lack of reward for the task performed
3. Lack of opportunity to measure oneself against one's peer
4. Environment factors: situation & condition around

Role: the function of someone in a social environment.

Dimension of Interpreter's Role
1. Ideographical role: the role which is related to the personal role of the interpreter (internal)
2. Nomothetic Dimensions: The expectation of social system related to external role that should be own by the interpreter.

Interpreter Role VS Other Professional & Social Role
1. Reach of reciprocal relationship is the main purpose
2. Interpreter must do beyond on that, must comprehend and understand to maintain clients' relationship.

Contextual Factor: Interpreter works as an instrument/media of communication, but not focus on communication itself.

Status Differential: Differential status between the client and the interpreter  will impinge on the interpreters role

Language Issues
1. related to the interpreter's ability
2. the way of delivering message is as important as the message itself

Interpreting Interaction
1. Motivation: interlocutor should have same goal of communication. the clearness of communication
2. time element: duration of time
3. Turn-taking: take turns in speaking something
4. Aside comment of question: clarification for information gap.

The Concept of Client
1. an interpreter has at least two client an any one time.
2. clients must understand interpreter's role.

is The process of the interview which is the interlocutors  in this case interviewer and interviewee are having a different language used.

The objectives
the objective of interpreted interview does not change the objective of the interview itself. In other word an interpreter usually walks into a situations where the other parties  have already determined why the interview is necessary, what the parameters will be, the specific objective and the steps to be taken to achieve it. (Tebble, 1991, 1993)

The Effect of Using Interpreted Interview
1. Length of time: An interpreted interview will take a longer time compered to  direct interview.
2. Producing stress.

Interpreter Qualification
1. Work as a bridge of communication
2. Work as a bilingual professional
3. Have a good language skills (grammatical, lexical, syntactical, fluently, idiomatically)

Getting the Message & Transmitting the Message
Getting the Message: should have a good listening ability
Transmitting the Message: should have a good speaking ability
* Hearing: natural capability of the human.
* Listening: an ability that improved and modified by the people to comprehend and to understand what their heard

Do's & Do not's
1. the interpreter should have introduction, briefing, and the briefing.
2. language skill (listening & speaking ability)
3. interpreters must not talks "up" & "down"
4. the interpreter should have a cultural understanding of their client

is principles governing morality and acceptable conduct.

The most basic general consideration of ethic are,
1. Confidentiality: you must respect the confidentiality of your client's communications. means that as a professional must not disclose information to anyone unless has been granted by the client itself.
2. Impartiality: work as professional means that not differ any clients in term of their gender, nationality, social, economic, ethnic, etc.
3. Conflict of Interest: concerns the professional’s duty to act without regard to other interest such as personal or financial gain. Interpreters, because the service they provide for a fee may directly affect the client’s welfare, are subject to the same ethical principles as are all other professionals. 

The following considerations are peculiar to liaison interpreting,
1. ‘Cultural expertise’ may only be used to achieve effective interpreting, never to assume another professional role.
2. It is unprofessional/unethical for an interpreter to accept work that is beyond his/her skills.
3. When working in institutions which have specific ethical imperatives and objectives, interpreters will be governed by their own professional ethics and by the respective institutional ethics.
4. Particular ethical considerations apply to liaison interpreting in business settings.

Language competence for the liaison interpreter, then, only begins with the kind of competence described below and then proceeds to other elements such as ‘transfer’ competence (Wilss, 1982):
1. Ability to produce a variety of synonymous or analogous expressions in both languages
2. Ability to capture and reproduce register variations
3. Ability to recognize and reproduce domain specific expressions in a form which will be regarded as ‘natural’ by the respective users
4. Ability to combine verbal and non verbal communication cues from the source language and reproduce them in appropriate combinations in the target language.
5. Ability to identify and exploit rhythm and tone patterns of the languages in order to determine and utilize the ‘chunks’ of speech so as to maximize the efficiency of the interpreting
5. Ability to speedily analyse the utterance in the context of the communication in order to anticipate the direction in which the argument is proceeding and the strategy being used in developing the argument.

The Difference of Mental health setting VS Legal Setting
1. In mental health setting the discourse are commonly focus on the communication of patient.  Legal setting has wider range of discourse not only focus in one condition of communication. 
2. The cause of distortion to normal communication patterns are different and unless recognized and dealt with appropriately by interpreters, can have a profound impact on the parties involved.
3. Whereas psychiatry is grounded in scientific field, the legal system is a social institution generally committed to the nation of fairness and equity  and to longstanding tradition; underlying tensions stemming from these commitments mat present dilemmas of role for interpreters.

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