Course design basically refers to the process of conceptualizing and organizing and arranging the elements of curriculum into a coherent pattern.
course design refers to curriculum process that including the following; diagnosis of needs, formulation of objectives (purposes), selection of content, organization of content & learning experiences, and determination of what to evaluate and means to evaluate
approaches is a set of assumption of belief toward the nature of language teaching.
syllabus is a description of the content of a course of instruction and the order in which they are to be taught.
syllabic is a ways of organizing the course and material.
method is a way of teaching a language which is based on systematic principles and procedures.
technique is a way of presenting the material in teaching.
exercise is a way of practicing what has been presented.
Educational Drama is a technique of teaching language, since it is not performed on the stage or the theater, which covers miming, role play, simulation, empty chair technique.
miming is one of the technique by imitating certain figures such as doctor, farmer, etc. based on scenario provided by teacher.
scenario is imagine series of feature event (a written outline of a film, novel, or play giving details of the plot and individual scenes)
Step of teaching using Miming:
1. teachers provide scenario
2. ask student to work in a group
3. ask the representative student to act out based on the scenario.
4. after presenting the scenario invite other student to ask the presenter some questions concerning his or her miming activities
5. write down them errors found out their questions, then discuss how to reconstruct them
6. ask student to retell or describe what the student acting out
ESP Course Design
What do we mean by a syllabus?
Why should we have a syllabus?
On what criteria can a syllabus
be organized?
What role should a syllabus
play in the course design process?
Why do we evaluate materials?
How do you evaluate materials?
What is the main purpose to
write materials?
What are the role of the ESP
What can the ESP teacher do to
improve his or her knowledge of specialist subject?
10. What are the components of RPP? There are 11 components, mention
The Answers!
1. A syllabus is a more detailed
and operational statement of teaching and learning elements which translates
the philosophy of the curriculum into a series of planned steps leading towards
more narrowly defined objectives at each level.
2. We should have a syllabus
a. The syllabus, in defining the
constituent parts of language knowledge thus provides a practical basic for the
division of assessment, textbooks and learning time.
b. A syllabus also gives moral
support to the teacher and learner, in that it makes the language learning
tasks appear manageable.
c. A syllabus also has a cosmetic
role. Because this aspect is, obviously, of particular importance when there
are commercial sponsors involved.
d. A syllabus can be seen as a
statement of projected routes.
e. A syllabus is an implicit
statement of views on the nature of language and learning.
f. A syllabus provides a set of
criteria for materials selection and/or writing.
g. A syllabus is one way in which
standardization is achieved (or at least attempted).
h. A syllabus provides a visible
basis for testing to lead a learner to particular state of knowledge.
The criteria that can make a
syllabus be organized, such as:
a. Topic syllabus
b. Structural/situational syllabus
c. Functional/national syllabus
d. Skills syllabus
e. Situational syllabus
f. Functional/task-based syllabus
g. Discourse/skills syllabus
h. Skill and strategies
The role should a syllabus play
in the course design process, are:
a. A language-centered approach
b. A skills-centered approach
c. A learning centered approach
d. The post hoc approach
5. We have to evaluate materials
because evaluation is a matter of judging the fitness of something for a
particular purpose. The result of an evaluation will probably lead to a large
investment of money in a published course or a large investment of time in home-produced
or adapted materials.
We can divide the evaluation
process into four major steps:
a. Defining criteria; on what
bases will you judge material? Which criteria will be more important?
b. Subjective analysis; what
realizations of the criteria do you want in your course?
c. Objective analysis; how does
the material being evaluated realize the criteria?
d. Matching; how far does the
material match your needs?
7. The main purpose to write
materials is to make teachers more aware of what is involved in teaching and
The role of the ESP teacher
a. ESP teacher will have to deal
with needs analysis, syllabus design, material writing or adaptation and
b. ESP teacher have not been
trained as such they need, therefore to orientate themselves to a new environment
for which they have generally been ill-prepared.
9. ESP teachers have to have a
good communication skill, if there is to be meaningful communication in the
classroom, it is essential that is a common fund of knowledge and interest
between teacher and learner. This implies inevitably that the ESP teacher must
know something about the subject matter of the ESP materials.
10. Components of RPP
Identitas mata pelajaran
Standar kompetensi
Kompetensi dasar
Indicator pencapaian kompetensi
Tujuan pembelajaran
Materi ajar
Alokasi waktu
Metode pembelajaran
Kegiatan pembelajaran
Penilaian hasil belajar
Sumber belajar
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